Hi! This is my illustration for IF topic "linked". I linked a couple of different things in this image and had to stop myself from going overboard with adding to many "linked" items, heh. I feel like I could add to the background to populate this park a bit more, but figured I wanted to get it posted.
I love comments, so please leave some if you have time. Thanks!
So cute!! I love your style!!
Oh what a happy picture! She is definitely very proud of her pups!!
Thanks for the comment!Your illo is so cute!The little dogs are awesome!
This is great. I love it.
This parade of pups would bring smiles to anyone's face! Great job!
: )
this is a wonderful illustration! great job!
so cute, love those dogs!
super cute, as always! love the pups, so playful :)
I really enjoy the story telling and the color scheme on this image. My favorite detail is the two ducks. I think I have seen those two at the lake.
I love this!
Oh my goodness, this is so adorable! Really great work. :)
Looooveeee your lines, paint, colors choice, everything!!!!!!!
This is adorable, Joy!
Great picture - great idea!
Really really nice, not only the idea but also the framing and the characters and the colors and oooh, I like it :)
Hahaha! That was my first thought when I saw this one. Great! I like the depth you added to the background. I think the characters you have is just the right amount. You don't want it to get too busy. Another winner, Joy!
Your characters are great...so cute! Charming illustration!!
I LOVE this illo. The color palette is beautiful and the dogs are so happy. I don't think you need to add anything more to the background. The composition is working beautifully as is.
super cute, love the dogs
wonderful illustration! I love the background a lot! Very clean and professional!
Plenty to look at hear AND it still remains crisp. Nice style.
How cute is this! Love the dogs, they are so nice. And again you added so much to see and explore. Really nice!!!!
This is soooooooo cute! I loooove y our style, the girl with the balloon in the distance is a fabulous touch!
Very cute love the whole concept I can almost hear the little girls chatting and laughing.
this is absolutely adorable!
Sweet little dog train and really nice colors in this one :)
Love those linked wiener dogs :)
aweeeeeee this is just toooo cute!!!!! i love the dogs, absolutely adorable :D
Great pic development across the board...really like the flow...
Fantastic, love the girl's reaction.
I love the expressions on the dogs faces! Really cute illustration!
Haha how cute! Lovely idea!
super duper awesome joy! i can't wait to see you illustrate a book, your style is just fab! :)
Thanks for all of the wonderful comments everyone!!
AHH! It's just too cute!! Another great illo! :)
Hahahahaha, you are so clever. Linked sausage dogs! Love all the sweet linkies in here. This looks fantastic!
I love it :D
A fun, full illustration. Nice job.
I nominated you for the Sunshine Award :D
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