Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Hi! This weeks IF topic was a challenge for me, but I made myself do it. I thought the word was a bit too confining and just plain, well... icky. I thought it would be fun to show a couple of kids excited about a snake, not afraid. Just to give it a little twist.

I updated my website recently, so click over there on the right. That graphic that links to my website, and check it out if you can.

Thanks for stopping by here and I love hearing from you, so feel free to leave a comment!


Barry said...

This one is very fun! Lots of story in the image as usual. Your new portfolio site looks great too!

❤Yisin said...

I don't like snake actually but I like your drawing! you even made a snake look so cute and friendly!:D
I like your blog!

MrBibleHead said...

Well Joy, you did it. You took an icky word and turned it to something delightful! Great one!!

Xiao Mei Lin said...

Great illustration. The children are so cute and I like your stylization.

Roberta said...

They look so innocent and curious!
Your website looks great too!

Dffinley said...

Great pic. Looks like you have a Mary Blair influence in your work, which is super hard to pull off, but you do a superb job here.

Valerie Krist said...

I can't believe you made a snake cute! You do know they bite and stuff, right?

Your new websites look great. Way to tie them all together.

Amanda Baeza said...

really cute

Susanna said...

Cute piece! Love the not-at-all-icky snake. :)

shelby healey said...

Sweet! I like the little girls expression and excitement.

Heather said...

I love your characters. the little girl's expression is so sweet.

Dawn said...

This is FANTASTIC! I love the kids and the plants! Way cute!

Maria Bogade said...

This is beautiful Joy! I especially love the expression and pose of the little girl! It's just so right you know, the boys looking at those hings like snakes and the girls kind of irritated.

Had a look on your website the other day but didn't have a chance to tell you that it turned out great! I don't mind the landing page, even though everyone always suggests not to have one. The only thing I found a little disappointing was the fact you had no prints or postcards of you illustrations of your blog up on your etsy store. I would love to have a postcard collection of them!!!

Di said...

Sweet slithery snake and kids!

Amanda said...

Adorable as always! I love snakes myself, so I'm a little biased. I also love the retro-ish color palette - it looks like an illustration from a 50s/60s era children's book.

SOS LLC said...

Nice, This looks just how a kid would view it. Unless of course a parent was near by.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's just all kinds of adorable =)

justdoodleit said...

Sweet...and like how those kids are so boldly curious!

Tamara Henderson said...

very cute!

Nina Crittenden said...

Such a great spin on the topic! Your work is so beautiful, Joy!

Julia Santos said...

Love the new website! Especially like the girl's striped tights, how CUTE are those!

Bella Sinclair said...

Awww! So SWEET! Love the little girl in the back. Her pose and face truly convey excitement. Fantastic! That is a very friendly and harmless snake. Right?