I had lots of fun with this one. I also included a willow tree in memory of all the willow trees that where cut down around our local lake, to extend the BART train tracks. So sad, but I guess that's "progress" for ya... Thanks for any comments and for stopping by!!
absolutely charming! beautiful illo! ;]
haha, you are on fire!!! I love this one, too. Are you sending in this stuff to publishers? You should...
omg, so adorable!
totally cute, as always! Love the wiener dog :)
oooh! very charming illo, and what a wonderful place to take a siesta... if your neighbours in the underground let you sleep, of course! :D
Lovely illustration! Great characters + cool leaves, bark + roots.
Really fun illo, so much to take in, especially love the willow tree!
OH WOW! I love your attention to detail! This is fabulous!!
I love this! Perfectly adorable! Including the dog's hidden toys. I love your details, they are fun!
it is a wonderful image! it looks so peaceful and relaxing. i would love to see a story go with this!
thanks for appreciating my work, i like yours too.
PS I see that we like the same PhotoShop brush :)
This is one of your best yet! A few more months of this and you are going to be able to publish your own book of this stuff!
I love this piece, but I think what makes it really successful is the little weinerdog looking down into the hole, tying both scenes together. Very clever idea!
really cute - love the little details!
very sweet! I love willow trees. Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving a kind comment, I appreciate it.
This is beautiful and funny! Love the story it tells nd all the colours!
How sweet! I love everything about this. All the details are awesome. The tree texture, the little outfits, the buried goodies...wonderful!
so cute, I love bunnies!
Really cute- love the dachshund!
What great story!
Your work is great!
Great work! love all the detail. Beautiful! :D
Wonderful illo. Love the details and the sense of scale.
Such a lovely illo!
Lots and lots of personality. I am fawn of your leaves. All the little stories are all delightful.
This is so sweet! I love how there is so much going on! We had a willow tree in our back yard on our farm when I was small. It was huge and glorious! Someday, I'd like to have one in my background.
Awesome and beautiful illo!
This is absolutely DARLING! There's so much to enjoy here -- the beautiful tree (sob sob), little doggie and his buried treasure, the wee critters enjoying their tea. Fantastic stuff! I love your style.
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