Monday, April 26, 2010


Hi! Illustration Friday's topic for this week is "ahead". More kids at the lake, this time having a three legged race. Look who's ahead! Feel free to leave me a comment and thanks for stopping by!


Brad said...

wow joy! another fantastic piece! i just love the expressions on your kids they are priceless! :)

Sally Taylor said...

Cute kids. I love all the fun little details.

Raluca said...

That little dog is cheating ;)
wonderful illo!

Unknown said...

Very cute, I love all of the expressions on their faces!

Manola C. said...

simply delicious! I like so much your style! Too sweet! ♥

Joy said...

What fun! I love it!

FHNavarro said...

Great!! I Love your Kids!!


Barry said...

Another awesome one! Yep that dog is going to win.

Heather said...

Great expressions! Love the little doggy, too!

Nina Seven N7 said...

adorable! i love all their expressions and different skin tones. fantastic work!

Soo said...

Great work! The kids are so adorable. It looks like a close race!

Ms. Art Every Way said...

This is absolutely amazing!

Sandra said...

I love this picture. I have a soft spot for doxies myself (since I have 3). The textures and colors are so much fun and very well done.

sheree boyd said...

this is so stunning, Joy. You should use this as a promotional card; it is just lovely! You would get so much work if you sent it to some publishers. :)

Susanna said...

All the details you've put in add so much interest to this piece. Makes me want to just keep looking at it to spot what else I can find to giggle at. Awesome work!

MrBibleHead said...

Hey Joy! You have the perfect name, because your work is filled with fun and joy! I really love this piece. You have my vote for illo of the week!

Karen said...

Great idea Joy! Your children's expressions are super :)

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

These dear babies are just to, to , too cute and darling. Each one just has such a wonderful personality. I know that it comes from you! he he he hee! Just look at their cute little faces. They are wonderful indeed!

Unknown said...

beautiful lovely piece!! I can hear the children's laughter!!

Maria Bogade said...

Oh this is wonderful Joy! I really love it and those kids seem to have a lot of fun!

Dawn said...

AWESOME! AMAZING! And full of details!! I loooooooooove your work! Simply wonderful!!

Kelly Light said...

Fab Joy!

Duncan said...

That poor lad at the back doesn't look l;ike he's going to make it.
Fanatstic illustration - love the little details like the reddened cheeks.

Dayle's Painted Diary-Dayle Dodwell said...

Very sweet and fun. I can remember that joy. Wonderful.

Megan Moran Smith said...

I love your style. I feel very inspired. Thanks.

Tamara Henderson said...

wonderful! the little kids are adorable!

justdoodleit said...

Lovely details and overall mood. That cute little dachshund is all over the place in your blog :)

thefridayfrog said...

wonnnnderful composition, joy! :))

Moira Millman said...

really great as usual - such lovely characters:)

Dear Fireflies said...

BLIMEY!! This is just wonderful!! Can I race too?? (^___^)

Valerie Krist said...

Another winner! or should I say "wiener"? Great job on drawing a variety of facial expressions!

Anonymous said...

Not only really well-rendered, but there's so much emotion and energy. Love it...

Céleste Gagnon said...

aha! The pup is cheating with his four legs ;) Very cute, and fun, as always!

Unknown said...

Superp! Great happy atmosphere!

Nina Crittenden said...

Wow, Joy! This is darling! You are totally rocking Illustration Friday, Lady!!!

Roberta said...

Another adorable piece Joy!

Amanda said...

This is so cute! I love all the kids' expressions.

Guto de Oliveira said...

AMAZING, very weel, congrats

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love this illo.

Bella Sinclair said...

Ahh, the thrill! Somewhere in the back of my head, the theme from Chariots of Fire is playing. Such adorable children, and you know I'm all about the children. Oooh, look, a faceplant about to happen. Ouch!