Friday, February 26, 2010

snow games

This is an illustration I just finished for Monday Artday's topic "snow games". Comments are always welcome and appreciated!


sheree boyd said...

super cute!

Anonymous said...

Love the sky, it's a nice contrast to the snow.

Brad said...

this is about as fun as it gets! i really love that snowman! great job!

Valerie Krist said...

my first thought, "Oh so cute!" You did a good job on the composition and detailing. I like the sky, too.

David said...

it makes me smile! :)

Barry said...

That is really fun! Yet another illo that has a lot of story within it.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I love this! So adorable!

Abz said...

love ur art!! keep posting. Check mine out, elt me know what u think! :)

Carolina Búzio said...

The technique, the colors, the characters, the perspective... everything turned out lovely!